From my own experience I know how is very difficult to break out our own everyday Programs and Rituals.
Which are in many cases causing a lot of our deseases and leads inevitably to ilnesses of our Bodies and Souls.
I also know, that majority of opinions and ideas of people "who have been already there behind the curtain", as me f.e. experienced OBE (Out of the Body Experience), NDE (Near Death Experience) or healed themselves from incurable deseases as was a Cancer in My Story.
Its s not easy to understand them and tune into their energy stream, at all.
From this simple reason, I have decide to write my Blog at My Journey website.
I have started it from clear reason to give you - my lovely readers opened guidance and clarify some of my approaches and insights helping me to heal myself from my final stage of reccured Cancer.
As well as my special insights of some of current Life situations we are mutually experiencing here on our planet - Mother Earth or just give you some of my advises how to heal your Body and Soul.
Most frequent cause of Death in "rich" countries is nowadays Cancer, replacing cardiovascular deaseases, as it was in a past decades.
We have been recently witnesses of very cruel act of unhappy and seems to be unnoticed member of our Community .
We have celebrated at November, 17 2019 , our 30 anniversary of falling iron curtain of Communism and our velvet Revolution.
We are more than our Bodies - the basic key for understanding a way to your complete recovery.
Did you sometimes ask yourself why is a classic medicine curing just your Body and not complete human being ?
It seems each of everyone of us is living our so called our everyday life .....
Short article about a tiny line between physical rehabilitations of our Body and mental healing of our Mind cought in our daily life ...
Main purpose of our family holiday should be to get into stage of enjoyment and happiness, beeing with our lovely family , at a place we will feel everybody great ...
My basic article about my very personal view to our Health, which is nothing more than harmony of our Body, Mind and Soul.
I was thinking long time about idea to put all what happened to me in a past 5 years to some place, where those of You, who would like to know more about Health and incurrable desease - Cancer, could find it.
Dear Readers and Health Seekers,
Uplifting wisdom of Spontaneous remission from reccured final stage Cancer.
So, please sit down quietly in your sofa or chair, switch off your Brain and Mind, normally full of high traffic of your flying ideas and thoughts and read slowly my articles in my Blog.
And please join your Heart only.
Becouse your Heart is one and only gateway to your Soul.
Wish you a pleasant reading!
Pavel Vojtek | Holistic Cancer Survivor and Health Evangelist at My Journey®
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Your comments are my inspiration every time.
Thank you and I wish you pieceful reading
Truly Yours,
Pavel | My Journey®