Inspiration, Intuition and knowledge 

One of the main goals of the My Journey® website is to inspire you to work on yourself.

Inspiration helps in self-awareness, stimulates curiosity and knowledge.

It is difficult to find in contemporary materialism a supersaturated time with any meaningful inspiration. 

After all, there is an excess of everything around us. 

Technical conveniences, various products, medicines and thousands of different courses that are guaranteed to show you the right way. 

The problem is that we are looking to change the inspiration of the so-called successful people, who determined achieved so-called "something big", instead decided to look for inspiration and obeyed the wisdom of our ancestors. 

Instead of turning attention inward, to our higher Self.  Once we find our true Self we will find and get back our life energy. 

And that is needed for change. 

We understand that we have everything in your hands. 

And this also applies to healing from so-called incurable diseases. 

In the distant past, it was shamans who helped their loved ones find their way back to each other. They were always available to those who had lost their rhythm and temporarily lost their life Journey. 

The My Journey® Protocol and the My Journey® teachings draw on the wisdom of the old Masters and can be considered by some as a pattern of modern shamanism. It is about returning a person to his true Self and following new path through life. It is about supplying life force and energy so that he can find himself, to understand the essence of his Being. To understand the nature and causes of all so-called chronic and incurable diseases. As well as its connection to this all-embracing Space, which we sometimes call our Lifes. 

The task of My Journey is fulfilled if it awakens in you ... 

Inspiration and connection to your Heart, your intuition, your sixth sense and will stimulate you to feel... 

At least following 3 deep internal emotions.


Start being curious. Do not believe the ubiquitous narrative that is beaten in our heads by the media and social networks. here and start typing. 

Faith in Oneself

Gain faith in your Faith. Then everything seems to start solving for you. Everything is as it should be. 

Power of Change

With faith in yourself, you will gain the strength to change. If the current state does not suit you, change it. 

Inspiration to awaken our true Self

Therefore, please start with all parts of this chapter, study all the materials - videos, audios, eBrochures and everything you have available. 

For more information, register in the My Members® section. 

I am convinced that it will lead you on your right path through your life.

 And if you were hesitant, you can always contact me here.

Thank you for your trust and I look forward to sharing time with you.

 Pavel | My Journey® | Holistic Cancer Survivor

Why look for door keys when the whole wall is just an illusion.